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Selectors' Presents: Crawling Human / forever&sunsmell / Phantom Head Trip

Please join us for a night of experimental electronics, noise, and doom, featuring Crawling Human, forever@sunsmell, and Phantom Head Trip.


Crawling Human

They dug and dug, and so
their day went past, their night. And they did not praise God,
who, so they heard, wanted all this,
who, so they heard, witnessed all this.
They dug and heard nothing more;
they did not grow wise, invented no song,
devised for themselves no sort of language.
They dug.


forever&sunsmell is an ambient improvising duo made up of musicians Ben Wylie and Alexandra Spence. Hailing from Seattle & Sydney respectively, Ben & Alex met through the MFA program at SFU. They have a shared interest in noise, silence, subtlety, and unusual sound sources.

Phantom Head Trip

Phantom Head Trip is an electroacoustic/ambient project by Vancouver-based multi-media artist Paul L. It focuses on ideas involving minimalism, drone, controlled chaos, postmodernism, textural looping, and improvisation.